FDR Sàrl

Risk Management ⋅ Process Review ⋅ Compliance
What We Offer
FDR Sàrl, headed by Françoise Deshusses, is an expert business delivering customised consultancy services to trading companies. With over 25 years of expertise with several multinational companies in London, Zurich and Geneva, M. Deshusses has developoed extensive expertise in risk management and compliance. This multi-faceted experience has allowed FDR to develop risk mitigating processes for trading companies. The essence of FDR SàRL is a pragmatic approach that implements lean solutions tailored to clients’ needs and expectations.
What We Do
Our logo describes the philosophy of our missions. It represents the “Cras” sailing instrument which allows a ship to assess its location by observing its surrounding, then deciding its destination or goal and finally defining the direction to follow to reach its goal. In line with this time-tested process, we assess a company’s current business environment, determine the desired outcome, and design the process of how to get there. Through a pragmatic and lean approach, FDR holds the flexibility to adapt to potentially changing targets or unforeseen shocks while mitigating negative implications efficiently.

• Speaker on panel: “Regulatory Landscape derivatives”, 2016 Trading Forum (March 2016)
• Speaker at conference with E&Y: “Regulatory Impact on Industry” (Sept. 2015)
• Speaker at Burgenstock conference: “Commodity and Regulation panel” (Sept. 2015)
• “World rules and interplay with Switzerland”, Agefi Special Editions Commodities 2016
• “Limites de position des produits dérivés”, Agefi February 2016
• “Controlling financial risk” Chapter 18 of Oil Trading Manual
Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge
First published in 1997, updated in 2001